our greatest needs
Want to help our work and put actions behind your desire to do something for others? You absolutely can. Here is a list of many of the things we are looking for help with. Download this PDF, and be in touch with us anytime about where you might assist us. We can help get you started.
We need your help for One Hundred For Haiti to grow and expand not for the sake of growth but in response to what we’ve been asked to do.
Download the list here: ONE HUNDRED FOR HAITI task list 2022
The information from the PDF is repeated below…
This list represents many of the things that One Hundred For Haiti needs help with currently. We would love to have your assistance! Have an idea that isn’t on the list? Run it by us! We’d love for you to get creative.
– Post about the organization, share our stories and posts, and link to our social media. It helps so much. Our social media focus isn’t about the likes, it’s about sharing news and ideas which directly helps Haitian people.
INSTAGRAM: @onehundredforhaiti
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/100forhaiti
TWITTER: @100forhaiti
– Design new shirts for 100FH. Or create a list of potential new slogans for shirts. The Hardcore Help Foundation made a shirt in conjunction with us that says “Every HUMAN Has RIGHTS”. A list of slogans, design ideas…feel free to be creative.
– Connect us with bands who are on tour who would be willing to speak from the stage about our work, collect donations as part of merch sales, and use shows or tours to raise funds.
– Brainstorm fundraising ideas or tell us about ones you know that have worked for other groups. Some of the things we’ve done include…
• Aces For Hire, a car company in Seattle, helped us through a car wash program via his client list
• We held an event at a screen printing shop in Utah where artists drew original artwork then people came to the event and listened to bands and paid per shirt to have whatever design they wanted screened on a shirt
• We contacted the local Veggie Grill here in Seattle and one day they gave a percentage of sales
• A retired woman sewed colorful purses (yes purses!) for us, raising over $4500 selling them to friends.
– Seek out employee matching programs at companies where the company matches the amount that employees donate. We have employee matching at Expedia and Microsoft. Does your job have a program like that?
– Perhaps you know about grant writing? If you have had experience with this it would be great to have additional input from other examples of successful grant writing, because its time-consuming work!
– What corporations related to clean water could we reach? How would we hook their interest? And how do we reach the right people directly? We are thinking big in terms of potential work and strong collaborations.
– We need lists of awesome podcasts to submit our audio PSA’s to. Are you a fan of a favorite podcast? Let us know about it and how to get in touch with the people responsible for it. Any podcasts would be great.
– Is there a Haitian community in your city? If so, can you connect us with them? We want to hear from them about what their needs are and the needs of their families back home in Haiti.
– Research new/different ways for how 501(c)3 organizations leverage their non-profit status to their best advantage for donations. One Hundred For Haiti is a 501(c)3 non profit, but there are always new things to learn about the benefits of that status and how people are using it strategically.
– Media Connections / Interviews. What makes us or could make us relevant for this moment in time given global / national current events? Who can we talk to in terms of news and television in your community?
– I would like to develop relationships with, and solid awareness of, other NGO/501c3 organizations doing work in Haiti. What groups are out there? Which ones can we help? Which ones could help us?
– What can YOU add to the goals of One Hundred For Haiti? What can you do at your school? Can you bring one of us in to speak about changing the world? Can you do a fundraiser?
We would love to hear your ideas. If you’re not sure where to start but you are interested in helping feel free to check-in with us; just let us know your interest, skill set and how much time you have available and we will get you set up with the perfect project.
Contact us anytime for all volunteer questions and ideas!