On this page you can follow along and see where we use the money
from the Chuminh Tofu Vegan Deli benefit in Seattle!
Our friends at Chuminh Tofu Vegan Deli in Seattle hosted a benefit for us on January 2nd 2021.
$2455.57 came in, from sales, and individual donations.
In Haiti, we will next build one more house which was funded by a single anonymous donor.
At the same time, with our In-Country Director, we decided what the best use of the benefit money from Chuminh would be. We sent those funds (Feb 24th 2021) and you can track here what results came from your generosity. We will post any updates here and on the “latest news” section on the main page of our site.
THANK YOU to Chuminh and everyone who took part!
Money sent to us from Chuminh for One Hundred For Haiti: 1/15/2021
Deposited in our account: 1/15/2021
Sent in full to Haiti: 2/24/2021 $2455.57
The plan for the use of the money is as follows:
$200 to help supply medicine for the new medical clinic in the center of Ranquitte
$1500 to build five houses in the area for families who have requested shelter
$755.57 for seeds (beans of various kinds) for 25 farmers so that they can grow food for their families
Check back for updates anytime. We will post house photos as they are built.