Something to be VERY thankful for: for the last few days (and until we reach thirty days total) One Hundred For Haiti be posting a photo a day taken of our recent successes in Haiti. Our friend Tom Hudson has been on the ground to document where your donations have gone. The photo album is called #onehundredforhaiti #hopeandsurvival:
After Hurricane Matthew donations totaled over $8000. This was enough to send relief supplies to needy people and to start development work to replace thirty roofs on homes which people have been desperately trying, and failing, to survive in due to lack of shelter and lack of sleep. Reports from the south are dismal at best with people literally crazed from lack of sleep since the hurricane. Each roof is around $200USD (some more and some less).
In a time when we are all trying to figure out how to make the world a safer and better place for others, the photos we are posting will be proof of how your support made actual change happen in the lives of people in need.