The situation in many parts of Haiti is currently very unstable. We had a conversation this last week with one of our partners there. What started with shortages of gas in the country has snowballed. Sales of gas have stopped except on the black market. Treated water for drinking is twice as expensive as it normally is. Hospitals have been shutting down due to lack of resources. Opposition party supporters have allegedly been handing out guns in poor communities and inciting rioting. The president has made no comment about the situation. The US State Department continues to warn the world to ignore Haiti and stay away, a call which is supported by the chaotic situation there. None of this is to say that desperate people demanding more from their government, or fighting for better social conditions is to be diminished. Love and support for the Haitian people always in their fight for basic rights and against corruption.
This post isn’t a plea for help or a dramatic poverty porn description. Its a statement about a period of chaotic social conditions and adapting as members of a support network to support people best. We are working with our partner in the south to determine where we can place counselors to help with psychological support for orphans and children who have been through violence during this time.
Simultaneously, in the north we are working with locals to figure out the best course of action to take to continuing programs effectively.
More details soon.