Starting the new year off with good news thanks to our friend Jeff Evans who sent a donation to One Hundred For Haiti that allowed us to rebuild this entire house.
The house is owned by Monsieur Hilaire who lives at Baille, Haiti and previous to this donation, the roof was unusable. The walls will be covered in dry earth to provide protection and insulation.
Jeff’s donation was enough to also let us send two students to school for the year who otherwise wouldn’t have a chance to go. It costs $120 to send a kid to school for the year inclusive of supplies, uniform, etc. So far we’ve been able to send twelve students to school for this year.
In conjunction with the in-country director of One Hundred For Haiti, we’ve decided that a stronger future for the region in which we work starts with fundamental basics: housing, education, clean water, and food independence. So that’s where our focus has been and will continue to be.