While we still need donations to support it, we want to go full speed ahead for late 2016 and into 2017 on our clean water project in rural Haiti, supporting the request OF the people and FROM the people to be protected from cholera in ways that are community driven, community built, community monitored.
Here is what we DON’T do:
– We don’t come in and tell anyone what they need
– We don’t build anything for people: we support them building their own systems to protect themselves and their communities
– We don’t lead the project, we allow ourselves to be led
Here is what we DO, always:
– We listen to the people
– We follow guidelines established for us by medical professionals about cholera and have shared that information in the local Creole language as handouts so that people can be further protected
– We serve the people overall by supporting them serving themselves
Please consider signing up for a recurring monthly donation…you would be amazed at how far even $5 per month can go.
For more in the project, see OUR LINK TO THE RURAL WATER PROJECT HERE.
NOTE: Haitian Creole / English speakers = please download the Cholera Information Sheet (translated into Creole) for distribution in Haiti.