A note from Greg in behalf of the entire team:
“Your donations to One Hundred For Haiti got locally-sourced Hurricane relief in motion today in Haiti. Close to one hundred for these kits were put together by our contact in Haiti for direct distribution to people in need in the south. I stress “locally-sourced” because I don’t want to fall into the trap of shipping supplies to Haiti which costs twice: we pay for shipping to Haiti then local Haitians pay through losses incurred when free supplies show up in their country and undercut their sales or production of items available there already.
Nearly one hundred kits are going out this morning by truck from Port au Prince with a hundred more funded five minutes ago as I sit up with insomnia at 3:30am working from my phone.
Each kit contains packets of crackers, bread, and other foods, personal items like toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, soap, Kotex, and as funds allow, clothing and blankets. All locally sourced. All on the way.
You can help. www.onehundredforhaiti.org
More initiatives and action will follow in the next few days. We are in touch with multiple contacts in Haiti to determine the most effective use of your compassionately sent donations. Thank you all.”