Thank you so so much to our monthly donors, the people who send $5 and $10 and $25 a month to One Hundred For Haiti.
This week we provided funding for seven kids to go to school for the year, all because of monthly donors. And all students who wouldn’t have been able to go to school otherwise. More on that soon.
As for this great new roof….we often post about the bigger dollar donors who fund an entire house or roof build with one donation. But the people who send monthly donations are so appreciated because those donations really add up.
This new roof is proof of that. It’s the house of Madame Blanc in Gard Hiram, safe from rain for the next decade thanks to monthly donors.
One donor at $25 a month covers the cost of a roof or house build in just a years’ time. It really does add up.
Follow @onehundredforhaiti on Instagram too please!